NV Logistics has been awarded for the second time the prestigious trophy of “WCA Pharma Best Partner” for 2018 during the award dinner ceremony of the last WSLF Barcelona Conference. This year the World Specialty Logistics Fair took place in Spain from June 14 to June 17 and gathered more than 150 logistics professionals from all over the world.
The conference kicked off with a GDP Pharmaceutical Training Course on the first day and was followed by interactive members workstops and One-on-One meetings as well as a GDP Refresher Course for the registered WCA Pharma members, an opportunity to confirm their eligibility within the group. The focus was set again on global standards for Pharmaceutical and Life Science handling, distribution and transport to guarantee that a good global pharmaceutical supply chain will ensure that all patients receive the care and attention they deserve.
Among members who successfully renewed their GDP Certificate, NV Logistics is proud to receive again this top award crowning 7 dedicated years of presence in the pharmaceutical and biotech logistics.
NV Logistics is certified as whole seller by Swissmedic (Swiss Agency for the Therapeutic Products) and provide both storage and deliveries of therapeutical products for the industry.